Kerry Osborne
Kerry Osborne is teaching the Let’s Talk conversation course in which students explore contemporary topics with one another while brushing up their English skills.
In the summer of 2009, she sailed into Finland’s Åland archipelago on a 12-metre sailboat by the name of Dandelion and had her first wonderous encounters with this country. Each day, walking the dog along the Helsinki shoreline, looking out to the islands (or during the winter, walking amongst the islands) the initial wonder and sense of harmony felt for this area resonates anew.
Kerry was born in the British Midlands to an English father and Irish mother. As a young child she moved with her family to a dormitory town of NYC, thus enabling her to spend the summer holidays in Toronto, Canada with her grandparents who had emigrated from Ireland. During her early twenties Kerry travelled to Australia on a ‘working holiday visa’ working in the Snowy Mountains and the Great Barrier Reef as well as meeting many other young British Commonwealth travellers.
She received her M.Ed. with a focus in Curriculum and Teaching from Fordham University having previously completed undergraduate degrees in Social Studies and Economics. In 2020 Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences granted her their teacher’s pedagogical qualification upon successful completion of both theoretical and practical AmO studies.